Channel Audio is searching for contributors and writers. Our blog, The AV Channel, provides a platform for event professionals, planners, and industry experts to share their experiences, knowledge, and expertise to our audience. We would love to invite you to participate in our community. It’s an excellent opportunity to build your reputation as an author, get published on a syndicated network, and have your material read by hundreds of interested people.
Our audience is consists of primarily those in the event industry so we ONLY post articles on the following topics:
Event planning
Event management
Wedding planning
Event technology
Event production
AV equipment
Other events-related topics
Guest Post Submission Guidelines
If you are interested, please email our Editor at austin@channelaudiogroup.com with the following:
Your article as a Google Doc or Microsoft Word Doc (400-1200 words)
Image files (please include both within the document and attached separately)
A short author bio (with a max of one anchor text link to your own website)
Please note:
Article content must be previously unpublished.
Submit only complete works, instead of outlines or pitches (recommended length: 400 - 1200 words)
Do not submit self-promotional content.
When quoting others' work, please include attributions within the body copy
Editorial decisions to publish or not to publish submissions are made at the discretion of the Channel Audio team. They are based on factors including but not limited to: relevance to the industry, interest to readers, and quality of content.
Channel Audio reserves the right to use our editorial judgment and reject any articles at any time for any reason. You are welcome to re-submit new articles for future consideration.
Channel Audio reserves the right to rewrite titles and subtitles to conform to our blog's accepted style guide.
All submissions are subject to be edited for accuracy, clarity, quality, and length.
It is the author's responsibility to secure the publishing rights to any images, charts, or graphs submitted.
All images are to be royalty-free.
All links will be rel= "nofollow" except for one link in the author's bio.
Unacceptable content (including, but not limited to):
Duplicate Content
Long lists of unrelated links.
Self-promoting (advertorial) and/or mostly ad content.
Content that is not in English.
Content that may be deemed as infringing upon any copyright, trademark, privacy, publicity, or other personal or proprietary rights.